Joan Greaves Level Three The Security Building 115 Stuart street Dunedin phone 0276008775
Exploring issues that impact on your ability to live your life in the way you wish
Perhaps you are seeking personal resolution for the past, wishing to break old patterns and find better ways to 'just be'? Although we are each the expert of our own life, we rarely know how to recognise and unpick punishing beliefs and behaviours without introducing some other clear perspective and help.
Psychotherapy provides a unique opportunity to talk in confidence with a safe, objective professional giving undivided attention to what is troubling you. The experience of really being heard, together with a gradual gaining of new insight and perspective on your difficulties, can help you to approach things in a different and more effective way.
"No intervention that takes power away from the survivor can possibly foster recovery, no matter how much it appears to be in the person's immediate best interest".
Judith Herman, M.D. Reframe: Interventions that empower survivors foster recovery.
Trauma leaves both emotional and physical imprints on the body, even years after the trauma has ended. The moment someone experiences trauma—whether through a car accident, military service, acts of violence in the home, sexual abuse or assault, vicarious trauma, or living through a natural disaster—the body automatically responds to protect itself.
This response, often referred to as our fight, flight, submit or freeze reaction, is activated by the sympathetic nervous system. Trauma survivors often experience this nervous system response as a chronic state long after the trauma is past. This is a hallmark of PTSD.
According to Bessel Van Der Kolk, M.D., an expert in trauma treatment, “the emotions and physical sensations that were imprinted during...trauma are experienced not as memories but as disruptive physical reactions in the present,” (Van Der Kolk, 2014, p. 204). Trauma-Sensitive Yoga sessions allow participants to have control over what they are doing with their body at all times. I will not offer physical adjustments. I will provide safe, professional facilitation to support you to focus on "particular dynamics. (what muscles you are using, what it feels like to have their feet on the ground, what it feels like to breathe, etc.)" You will have opportunities to cultivate a positive connection to your body through body awareness, choice-making, and focused breathing.
The true mark of maturity is when somebody hurts you and you try to understand their situation instead of trying to hurt them back
A style and theory of couples work that moves a relationship from blame and reactivity to understanding and empathy. It can transform conflicts into opportunities for healing and growth, and facilitate a deeper and loving connection. Imago is founded on the belief and research that we choose our partners both consciously and unconsciously and by becoming aware of our unconscious (automatic) behaviours we can facilitate change in our relationships by looking at ourselves and our behaviour in the first instance in a safe forum. I will work safely and slowly with you to uncover the issues that disrupt you and your relating with your significant other. Trusting a therapist with the difficulties you may face in your relationship takes courage and trust so please call/ email me if you have questions or want further clarification.